Sniper Distance Record - A Canadian special forces soldier in Iraq has set a world record for the longest missile launch in military history at a distance of 3,540 metres.

Canada's military confirmed Thursday that a member of Joint Task Force 2 shot and killed an Islamic State terrorist group member during an operation in Iraq last month.

Sniper Distance Record

Sniper Distance Record

"Canadian Special Operations Command confirms that a member of Joint Task Force 2 was able to engage a 3,540 meter target," the military said. "For security reasons and to protect the safety of our employees and alliance partners, we will not discuss the details of when and how this happened."

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A top sniper used a Macmillan DAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from above during an operation in Iraq last month. It took less than 10 seconds to reach the target.

"The firing in question disrupted a Daesh [Islamic State] attack on Iraqi security forces," the military said. "Instead of dropping a bomb that could kill civilians in the area, I used real force, and it was so far away that the bad guys didn't know what was going on."

A military source said the JTF2 mission was in line with government directives and support operations.

"As we have said many times in the past, members of the Canadian Special Operations Forces do not accompany combat units, but support Iraqi forces in combat," he said. "It depends on their planning advice and support to defeat Daesh using coalition weapons."

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"Hard data on this. It's not an idea. It's not an expectation. It's a second place with eyes and all the right equipment to capture exactly what the firing is," the military source said.

A person familiar with the military told the Globe: "It's very surprising.

The previous world record was held by British sniper Craig Harrison in 2009 when he shot down a Taliban gunman with a .338 Lapua Magnum rifle from a distance of 2,475 meters.

Sniper Distance Record

Earlier, Canadian Corporal Rob Furlong held the world record at 2,430 meters in 2002 when he killed an Afghan terrorist carrying an RPK rifle during Operation Anaconda.

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In recent weeks, Canadian Master Cpl. Aaron Perry set the world record for 2,310 yards in the same period. Both soldiers are members of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia of the Canadian Light Infantry.

JTF2 Special Forces are responsible for counter-terrorism, sniper operations and hostage rescue. Information about this elite organization is classified and not released by the government. The group's snipers and members of the Canadian Special Operations Command are hard at work in Iraq, doing vital work training Kurdish fighters.

The Trudeau government withdrew CF-18 fighter jets from Iraq in 2016, but expanded the military role, which will see the number of Canadian special forces trainers rise from 69 to 207 in support, training and advisory roles. Canadian commandos are not required to engage in direct combat, but are allowed to go on training missions with Kurdish peshmerga fighters and map out targets for coalition strikes.

For operational security reasons, sources cannot reveal the names of the Canadian elite who shot him and his accomplice and where it happened.

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A sniper and his scout partner are often sent to remote and dangerous areas to hunt down criminals carrying heavy weapons. After locating the target, shooters follow a similar pattern before each shot. Breathe in, out, in, out, find a natural breath, and press the trigger.

Although the size of the Canadian military is small compared to that of the United States and Britain, Canada has a reputation among Western militaries for the quality of its marksmen.

"Canada has an international sniper system. It's not just one sniper. They work in pairs. There's an observer," a military source said. "It's a talent few have."

Sniper Distance Record

A JTF2 sniper's ability to destroy insurgents at a range of 3,540 meters required mathematical skills, good vision, weapons and firearms, and extensive training.

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"It's distance you have to calculate, not round ballistics, it changes to time and distance, you have to adjust to the wind, and the wind moves around," said a source specializing in training in Canada. Special powers.

"You have to adjust so that they shoot down from a high point, and you have to react when the round points fall. From there you have to calculate the curvature of the Earth."

US soldier Brian Creamer holds the longest proven rifle of a US soldier. Killed Iraqi insurgents at 2,300 meters in 2004 with his Barrett M82A1 rifle.

Canada's highest ranking military officer is a general. Jonathan Vance says Canadian Armed Forces policy is to protect soldiers, not "black soldiers." Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also weighed in on the topic Thursday.One of Joint Task Force 2 in Iraq successfully hit a target from a distance of 3,540 meters with a McMillan Tac-50 .50 BMG rifle caliber.

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The .50 BMG caliber McMillan TAC-50 (fig. mk15 version, used by the US Navy SEALs) is a long-range anti-armor and anti-personnel rifle. It was the weapon used to set a new record for the longest confirmed kill in military history.

With an incredible range of 2.2 kilometers (about 3,540 meters), the Canadian sniper set a new record for the longest confirmed kill in military history. In an incredible feat, a member of Joint Task Force 2 killed an Islamic State terrorist in Iraq using a McMillan TAC-50 assault rifle.

The soldier's name has not been released, of course, but the shooting was not only caught on camera, but officially confirmed:

Sniper Distance Record

"Canadian Special Operations Command confirms that a member of Joint Task Force 2 was able to engage the target from a distance of 3,540 meters. For security reasons and to protect the safety of our colleagues and coalition partners, we will not discuss in detail when and how this happened,"

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A Canadian soldier fired from a high altitude during an operation in Iraq a few weeks ago and his fire stopped a Daesh attack on the Iraqi army, according to military sources.

British Corporal Craig Harrison holds the record for the longest confirmed kill in combat (2,475 meters).

In the last few years, the competition for the longest kill has become a favorite of British-Canadians: British sniper Craig Harrison held the world record for taking out two Taliban guns with a .338 Lapua Magnum rifle from 2,475 meters away. In 2009; Before that, in 2002, Canadian Corporal Rob Furlong set a world record at 2,430 meters when he shot down an Afghan insurgent carrying an RPK rifle during Operation Anaconda.

Yet in 2002, Canadian Master Cpl. Aaron Perry set the world record for 2,310 yards in the same period. Both soldiers are members of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia of the Canadian Light Infantry. In this fierce competition, the U.S. follows: U.S. Army Sergeant Brian Creamer, the longest-range shooter, killed an Iraqi insurgent at 2,300 meters in 2004 with his Barrett M82A1 rifle.

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Carlos Hathcock was a famous USMC sniper with a record 93 kills during the Vietnam War.

The Canadian submachine gun, the McMillan Doc-50, is a long-range anti-personnel and anti-personnel assault rifle originally developed in the late 1980s and chambered for the powerful .50 BMG (12.7 x 99 mm) cartridge.

Three of the five long-term kills were by this gun, all by Canadian soldiers. That cartridge was used in 1967 by Carlos Hathcock, a noted United States Marine Corps sniper who recorded 93 confirmed kills, killing Viet Cong insurgents at a range of 2,500 yd (2,286 m). Hathcock used the M2 .50 Cal. Browning rifle with telescopic sight. Here's what you need to know: Shooting at this range requires not only a deep knowledge of how your weapon performs, but also a gun that performs well at that range.

Sniper Distance Record

Two years after writing, the long-range assault rifle remains one of the greatest achievements in military history.

Sniper With World Record 1.5 Mile Kill Says Bullet Took 6 Seconds To Hit Target

In 2017, a Joint Task Force 2 (JTF-2) fighter jet intercepted an ISIS target in Iraq at a distance of 3,540 meters. The alleged shooting was videotaped and later confirmed

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