Braxton Mccoy Military - In 2006, Sgt. Braxton McCoy (Ret.) was seriously injured by a suicide bomber while conducting a security detail outside Ramadi, Iraq. Both of his legs and arms were broken in several places, his spine was broken, he had several broken ribs, he had bleeding on the brain and the median nerve in his right arm was severed. What followed were more than two dozen surgeries and nearly a decade of physical therapy and rehabilitation. It was during his long recovery that Sgt. McCoy served twice as national attorney for the Army's Wounded Warrior Program and twice as veterans attorney for the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Coalition in the District of Columbia. Those four years as a lawyer focused on returning veterans to work as a meaningful way to overcome post-traumatic stress disorder.

In 2013, Sgt. McCoy launched the Jobs Warrior Project, a non-profit organization designed to connect CEOs and CIOs with the dual purpose of hiring veterans and working with these families to solve the pressing economic issues that hinder them. progress

Braxton Mccoy Military

Braxton Mccoy Military

In 2018, she stopped running that nonprofit and now spends her time training horses and writing and speaking about what it takes to overcome the challenges life inevitably throws at us. When he's not working, you can find Sgt. McCoy interacts with the horses he loves, climbs mountains to access America's best backcountry hunting and fishing, teaches others to hunt and fish, or competes in endurance races.

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As a result of his service, he received several medals, including the Army Commendation Medal with Device V for extraordinary gallantry in combat and the Purple Heart.

If you want to know more about his incredible journey, his book The Glass Factory is available for purchase here: Glass Factory

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